
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ben and I are so excited about having a HEALTHY baby GIRL! Although I think that our excitement is overshadowed by the excitement that Grandma Pammy and Braylon have! Braylon talks about his baby sister all of the time and Grandma Pammy has bought every store in a 35 mile radius out of girl outfits ;) Braylon gets so excited whenever we get something new for his baby sister, telling me "That is for my baby sister!" He even knows that his baby sister is coming when it is cold and there is snow on the ground, which as much as we don't want winter to come any sooner then it needs to, we do want Baby J to come, so we will have to welcome cold and snow.

Braylon checking out all of Baby J's clothes as I was hanging them up in Porter's closet.

A picture of some of the clothes that Grandma Pammy has purchased!

Baby J's collection of clothes thus far! We have only known for 5 days and she has already taken over half of Porter's closet, which he is NOT very happy about! It is a good thing that he gets to make his room change soon! 
Thanks Grandma Pammy for being so good to us! We love you!!!

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