
Friday, September 24, 2010

Water Baby!

Porter is a water baby, he would live in our bathtub if we would let him. If that bathroom door is open he goes right for the tub and insists on taking a bath. He could be clear across the house and hears that water running and he is in the bathroom in an instant! Ben and I decided to sign the boys up for Swimming lessons this year, Porter is in the first session and Braylon will be in the second session. Porter had his last day of swimming lessons on Wednesday... We are definitely going to have to ask Grandma Joan to put a building around that awesome new pool she just got put in or go to open swim more often! The hardest part about Swimming Lessons is getting him to sit quietly while we drive to swimming lessons, he knows when he gets his swim diaper and swim trunks on that it means swimming and he is not a very patient little boy! So today on the way to swimming lessons I brought out my camera and was taking pictures of him being silly in his car seat, he loves getting his picture taken just as much as he loves swimming, so it was a great distraction for the 2 mile drive!
He doesn't look like his big brother at all ;)

Once we get to Swimming Lessons we have an even more difficult time keeping him happy until he gets to go in the water. Luckily Grandma was there to help entertain him! He really enjoys walking the bleachers, it makes me a little nervous, even though he can walk, I just envision him falling and splitting that beautiful head open!

Waving hello to Grandma!
Trying to get a hold of those balls that are so tempting and in his reach!
Once he is in the water, he goes back to being our Happy P-Man!

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