
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The end of a School year

Braylon took his "last day" of school picture this morning. It is quite different then his "first day" of school picture. It is hard to believe that my little boy is "graduating" from preschool today! Next year will be the year that I have dreaded since the moment he was born, he will be in Kindergarten! I laid in bed last night asking myself how it happens so quickly, how the time flies by without my control. I don't have an answer for those questions, all I can do is grab a camera and hold on for dear life!
He has come so far this year, I know that this little boy is destined for greatness, in whatever form that might be, he will succeed and be grand! My love for him grows and grows each and everyday and as I watched him proudly get dressed, in "dressy" clothes (yes the below picture is dressy for him, he is usually in basketball shorts and a tee with some sort of construction vehicle, sports team, or sport of some sort displayed across the front of it) and stand infront of the door and smile so nicely, made my love for him blossom a gazillion times more!

Braylon on his last day of Pre-School!
We are so proud of you Bubbies! We love you to the moon and back!
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