
Monday, September 12, 2011

Wrestle Mania!!!!

Benjamin has gotten Braylon into wrestling, I am not talking about high school wrestling, I am talking about TNA, WWE fake, drama filled wrestling! It makes me a little sad, but he really loves it, so as his mommy I will allow him to watch "wrestle" (as Bray calls it) and even allow him to play with the action figures.
Ben has a ton of wrestlers at the lake cabin from when he was young and Braylon LOVES to play with them, the other night we were at Grandma Pammy's having supper, Braylon and Grandma disappeared for a while and when the returned they had a huge box that was filled with wrestlers. Braylon instantly picked two of them (Hulk Hogan and DDP (he was trying to find Sting but couldn't, we found it on Saturday and he traded in DDP for Sting without hesitation)) and insisted that he get to bring them home. He has had those two wrestlers by his side for the past 4 days! Well yesterday I told Braylon that if he was really good that he could go to the store and pick out a new wrestler, and of course he bargained me up to two wrestlers.
We decided that we would go to Target in Mankato, thinking they would have a better selection (they definitely didn't). He ended up getting a ring and 6 mini wrestlers in a set, thanks to Grandma Pammy. He was the happiest kid EVER!

Braylon showing Porter how it works

Porter and Braylon playing together so nicely!
Porter was just as nice and allowed Braylon to play with his new train and track that we got for him when we were in Mankato.

My mother and I are going to the cities this weekend, we will be looking for a better selection of wrestlers at Toys R Us! Great Christmas presents!!!!

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