
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Great Company!

Porter accompanied me over to Mankato last night so that I could pick up my new camera! Porter has been in a phase where he does NOT like to be in places that he doesn't have the freedom to roam and be down to run and play with whatever he can get a hold of! So I was a little nervous bringing him to Best Buy where there are a lot of breakable things that he could get his little hands on. He did fantastic, he allowed me to talk to the sales women and get what I needed and get out the door. He started to have a little bit of a melt down while we were standing in line waiting to checkout, but that was easily fixed with me holding him. He was so good that he was rewarded with a new Mickey DVD, Mickey's Numbers Roundup, it came with a Mickey remote, he thought it was pretty awesome to have his very own remote, especially since it is in the shape of Mickey's head! We swang through Wendy's on the way home, and grabbed him some Chicken Nuggets, since it was already 6 and I knew he wouldn't wait for me to get home and make something, so while I drove he scraffed down 8 chicken nuggets, a handful of french fries and a bottle of water!

Eating Nuggets and watching Mickers!
I am hoping that this is a good sign that he will tolerate the 3.5 hour drive to La Crosse tomorrow! Thank goodness Ben is going with :)
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