
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Home Sick :(

Yesterday I had to go to the doctor because I was having a hard time breathing! I found out that I have Bronchitis, I am not really sure what that means, except that I have to wear a silly mask that fogs some medicine into my lungs... Mommy calls it a Neb, I call it a gas mask! But because I was sick yesterday, I get to stay home with mommy, Porter and Reese today! It sure is great! Mommy feels so bad for me I get to do pretty much whatever I want to do.... sharing my get better juice with Reese!

...playing with daddy's old cell phone!

...I even get to walk around with my Nuk

I love being home with mommy so much, I think that I am going to talk to my daddy about having her stay home all day everyday with us! I know that Porter would love it as well... I mean daddy should love it, she would be home to make him lunch and do laundry and keep the house clean (or that is what we will tell dad, really it would be to just play, play, play).
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