
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Porter's belated birthday present

Last Wednesday we took Porter to the Timberwolves game; it was his birthday present (with his birthday falling in September the Timberwolves are not in season yet), so he had to wait until they were in season for us to go to the game. To say that Porter was excited was a huge understatement! We went and ate at Hubert's before the game and then walked into the Target Center and found our seats. Porter cheered and clapped and asked lots of questions about the game. I cannot wait to bring him to another game, he had so much fun, we all did! And the Timberwolves won!!!
Waiting for our food at Hubert's!

Porter and his big smile!!
Porter and Mommy at the game (and Porter's new basketball)

Porter and Daddy!

Cotton Candy and a great view!
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Last Monday Adalyn woke up and told me she had to go potty; we have been playing around on the potty since August, but this is the first time that she told me and went without having to "hold" her on the potty. We haven't slowed down, she is about 90% potty trained, even has woken up in the middle of the night twice and started yelling for me so she could go potty. She ventures out of the house in big girl undies and will tell me she has to go potty no matter what we are doing. She does have a few accidents, usually less then 1 a day, usually it happens when she is zoned out to Mickey or Tigger.
It amazes me how fast she has grown up, however this is one step that I am so excited for!!! No more diapers in the Jensen household!!!!!
Day one on the potty!!!!

The excitement is still there after a week!

Adalyn rocking her Cinderella undies!

I wish I could say I am the reason that our baby decided to be potty trained but I can not take credit, it was all on her own!!!
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Monday, December 2, 2013

Jensen's North Pole Breakfast 2013

My favorite part about being a mom is being able to create family traditions. I want our children to grow up embracing all of our traditions, so one day they can use them as their own or shape them into something that suits them better.
Every year on Black Friday, I get up early, not to go shopping but to get our kitchen ready for our North Pole Breakfast...
Our North Pole Breakfast is used as the day that our Elves come back for the Christmas Season. They bring breakfast for our entire family, something they have made all their own. They also write each of the kids a special note, bring them Christmas socks, and an Ornament.
This year we had a very special surprise for the kids, Santa decided that each child would get their own elf, instead of having one to share between the three of them. So all 5 elves (Santa was a little worried "he" wouldn't get the elves "he" wanted so "he" bid one too many times, leaving us with 5 elves, instead of the planned 4). We had our original Elf, Ta-Ra, but I had a hard time trying to figure out which child should miss out on getting a new elf, so instead I thought of a better solution. Ta-Ra would hang out in the common areas of the house, toy room, family room, and kitchen. Just so he could keep an eye out if the other elves were not there. Well we ended up with one extra elf so the plan was to have them both watch the common areas.
On Wednesday before Thanksgiving the boys found my secret stash of elves and decided it would be fun to play with them; even though the boys know that they are not allowed to touch the elves. So I had to do some quick thinking. I asked them to please put the elves back where they found them and then I quickly put the tote in a new place. I had to figure out what I was going to do about them touching the elves. On Thanksgiving night I finished writing their notes from their elves and then started on a note from Ta-Ra (our original solo elf), Ta-Ra told them that he was in the tote because he was showing the new elves around our house when Porter and Braylon came into the room, so they needed a place to hid. He informed them that because they had picked him up, Santa was making him stay back at the North Pole this Christmas, but that he allowed the other elves to come down because they did not yet have names, so their magic was not damaged by the children's touch. He made sure to warn them not to touch their new elves and that he would hopefully be able to come down to see them once or twice this holiday season if Santa would allow.
When I read the letter to the kids, Braylon was really sad that Ta-Ra wouldn't be there for Christmas this year, so I made sure to tell him that we would need to make sure that we don't touch the other elves otherwise we may lose them too and that hopefully Ta-Ra would get to come back next year.
Our North Pole Breakfast in pictures...

The elves do such a good job decorating the table.

They even brought us a Hot Chocolate Bar this year. This has been a HUGE hit at our house and has actually had to be limited a little bit.

Ta-Ra was present for our North Pole Breakfast and Braylon was the first to notice, saying how glad he was that he got to come and celebrate with us.
As soon as the breakfast was over Ta-Ra disappeared, Braylon checks every day if he is back.

These two troublemakers are the boys new elves; the red one is Snow Flake (I call him Flakes for short), he is Porter's elf. The green one is Flutter and he is Braylon's elf. They are so sweet and remind me very much of Braylon and Porter.

This little lady is Adalyn's new elf, her name is Winnie and I am proud to say that Adalyn named her all by herself; I asked her what she wanted to name her and she said Winnie. She is littler then the other elves, but she is just adorable!

This little guy is Mr. C; he is responsible for watching over the common areas; he likes hanging out in the kitchen.

Braylon getting hot water out of the "hot chocolate maker". This was Ben's awesome idea, he said it would work better then heating up water every time the kids wanted hot chocolate. We never drink coffee, so this thing just is a waste to have it stored away for nothing. My husband has a beautiful mind sometimes!

Each of us has a snowman hot chocolate mug! The elves even brought toppings for our hot chocolate.

Adalyn was SO excited for our North Pole Breakfast, we did it last year but she was not even one yet, so this is all "new" to her!

After breakfast our elves took a seat on the tree and watched the deer outside!

This year the boys are REALLY into their elves this year, they have all moved together so far, but I will start to move them into their own locations, it won't happen a lot but it will happen occasionally. The boys get such a kick out of all the different spots they can go.
Family traditions make me happy, especially this one!

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Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree...

We went and cut down our Christmas tree last Sunday, we usually do this on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, but with it being late this year and I will be out of town this weekend, for a girls getaway, we decided to go ahead and get our tree early! Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year, I love everything about it; other then the over commercializing of it. We were going to wait to decorate the tree until this Sunday when I got back, however Porter insisted on decorating the tree yesterday, he loves Christmas just as much as I do!
We found the tree we wanted and Ben cut it down for us! Seriously if you have not gone to a Christmas tree farm and taken the time to cut down your own tree, it is a magical experience; one that I am so thankful that we

My three favorite guys with our tree!
Our tree, undecorated

Adalyn and Daddy decorating the tree

Porter decorating the tree

Braylon reaching for the stars!

Porter was responsible for unraveling the lights, he did an awesome job!

There is our tree all decorated.
This is the first year that the kids have taken a real interest in helping me decorate the tree; they helped from start to finish. I am fully embracing all of their Christmas spirit!!!!!
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