
Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve on the Eve of Christmas Eve, because Zacky and Keisha had to leave early on Christmas Eve for Keisha's family Christmas. Thankfully it still felt like Christmas and all had a good time.
Zack and Keisha getting their picture in front of the Christmas tree.
Adalyn being silly (it was 10 o'clock and way past her bedtime).

Daddy and Maddi (she looks a little bloated here)
Grandpa and Braylon zoning out to the television.
Mommies and their babies :)
Grandpa and Grams in front of the tree.
McKenna playing with Ziploc bags.

The best family picture we could get.
Adalyn just being adorable.
Please let us out of here, we have doggie treats and chocolate...
Cheesy smile.
Maxie very excited for his King Size chocolate bar.

Grandpa and Grams and the girls

She looked like a snow princess :)

Candon had a little meltdown because he couldn't wear his snow boots...

Adalyn and McKenna playing together.

The Briggs family

Pix playing with a book

Candon and Braylon posing so I could make sure the light on my camera was ok, don't you love Braylon's new favorite smile :)

The "Jensen's" 

Grandpa and Grams and the boys

Braylon showing me his four wheeler
Group picture, not too bad when dealing with 5 kids and a few adults that close their eyes when they smile (Ben...) Check out Candon's snow boots, he is so proud of them!
After we opened presents we got on our jammies (yes they match) and Christmas hats and we got an even better picture! Very impressed!

Grandpa was getting the fire ready after we opened gifts and the boys had to supervise :)
The three boys eating popcorn watching their movies while the adults played the passing game, the girls were in bed.
The next morning, Adalyn and McKenna and Baxter were watching out for a squirrel to come out of the closet.
We are very blessed and thankful for all that we have and that we have each other, we hope that your Christmas and Holiday Season were as wonderful as ours!
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Christmas Weekend 2012

We loaded up Saturday and headed to the lake cabin with the Jensen/Briggs clan to celebrate Christmas and enjoy the winter weather on a frozen lake, with good food and good company!
The weather was perfect and allowed the guys and little boys to spend much of the daylight outside on the lake ice fishing and four wheeling, sledding and playing football (turns out it hurts a bit to fall on a frozen lake...).
It was nice to enjoy the Christmas season a few extra days, without all the running around and hustle and bustle that comes with the Holiday Season.
The boys LOVED getting pulled behind the four wheeler on the tubes.
Candon couldn't get enough, even when his buddies ditched him for ice fishing and tackling daddy.

Porter in the hot tub, yes that is snow behind him, but they loved every minute of it.

Kenna Boo-Boo made an outside appearance (Adalyn wasn't so lucky, she was inside napping)

Kevin and Candon and McKenna (she is hiding behind Candon) being pulled on the sled behind the four wheeler.

I LOVE this picture, the adult guys drinking beer as Candon lays waiting for his ride. This pretty much sums up the weekend ;)

Kenna waiting to see Daddy's big whopper he never caught.

Another silly Porter enjoying the hot tub.

Kevin pulling Coley and McKenna

Porter kept throwing snowballs at me, while I was trying to take pictures.

Braylon pouting

Braylon watching the fish try to get Grandpa's bait.

Still pouting...

The three amigo's enjoying the warm water in the cool temps.

Daddy and Braylon

Fishing again, he could fish all day if we let him!

All bundled up to brave the elements.

Grandma getting a ride from her three grandsons, it was very comical to watch, Braylon and Candon tried pulling her and she didn't budge, Porter comes and grabs a hold and she started moving.

Another time in the hot tub.

Braylon ready to go for his ride.
The lake is different in the winter than in the summer, but we had fun nonetheless :)
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Baking Cookies

Porter and I baked cookies on Sunday night, baking is one of Porter's favorite things to do, he is excellent at dumping all of the ingredients into the bowl, locking the mixer and turning the mixer on (full speed)... the best thing that Porter is good at is helping to taste test the goodies!
Taste testing the first batch, it took A LOT of patience for him to wait until we were done mixing

First taste...

Taste tested... Porter approved... Going back for seconds

So good that Porter wouldn't even share with Reese... That doesn't happen often

I caught Porter stinking his fingers in the cookie dough.
It was such a fun night to bake, I am not a huge fan of baking, but if it means spending time with Porter and watching how excited he gets with every added ingredient and baked cookie, I could become a much bigger fan!
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