
Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Evie!

We went to the Field House for Evie's birthday yesterday, the boys had a great time! Adalyn slept the entire time.

P, Bray and Ben all getting ready to shoot their basketballs. They were adorable playing together!

Maxie shooting in the short hoop

Bray and Porter playing "horse"

Bray shooting from the "three" point line ;) (he actually made a few of them)

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Sleepy Sleepy Boy

Braylon was sooo sleepy the other night that he feel asleep on the floor while watching Cars.

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Lady A and Miss M

They are a bit young for actual "play" time, but it is fun to capture their time together!

Miss M is sure excited to get play time with Lady A!

Playing on the floor together!

Happy girl

Grams and Lady A

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A visit from the Briggs

Coley, Candon and Kenna came home last weekend and spent Saturday with us! The kids had SO much fun together. Braylon LOVES it when Candon comes to play. He asks me at least once a week if we can go to Candon's house or if Candon can come to his house, usually when I say Candon isn't coming home this weekend, he then asks if they can play at Grandma's, he doesn't fully understand that he doesn't live down the street. We are hoping in March we will be able to get down to La Crosse (heads up Briggs' family).

The justice League running around! (I found a three pack of undies at Target and Candon loves Batman, so I thought it would be adorable to have them each enjoy new undies!) Candon as Batman, Porter as the Green Lantern and Bray as Superman.

Braylon and Candon playing on the steps! They have so much fun together.

All three of the rugrats. Porter had an accident in his green lantern undies so had to put on his diaper.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Where oh where could they be?

The other night the boys hauled out all of their blankets from their room and were trying to make a fort, well with a little help from Mommy they had a pretty big fort, with multiple doors and lots of room for toys and laughter! The boys thought it was pretty much the coolest thing ever!

They were just laughing up a storm in here, especially when Ben walked in and pretended like he couldn't find them! 

Here is their fort, it was a lot of fun to build and play in but I think the boys had the most fun jumping on top of it to take it down!
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Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

Feb 1st was Ben's birthday and Braylon got to spend the day with me, Porter spent the day with Grandma Joan (it was his Wednesday). Braylon and I made cookies in the morning for Daddy and then went down to work and dropped them off for him and his co-workers to enjoy!

Mixing like a pro!

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Lady A!

Such a quizzical look!
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A day home with Mommy!

My maternity leave is coming to an end, only two weeks left :( (I am the saddest mommy in the entire world!), but I have had the opportunity to enjoy the time with Adalyn and have kept the boys home a few days with us too. We took the opportunity to bake cookies, paint, work on our shapes, colors, writing and letter recognition. The boys had so much fun and Braylon asks me every morning if he gets to stay home with Mommy and Adalyn. I wish I got to say yes every single day, because unfortunately they grow up WAY too fast!

Braylon painted Monster trucks, construction vehicles, tractors and various other motor vehicles, Porter painted me shapes, announcing every color he was using

Close up of Porter's art skills

Bray's monster truck...

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