
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boats... Boats... Boats

The boys really love to play with boats in the bathtub, they say that they are Papa Rick's Pantoon and Boat. They speed around in the water and splash and sink their boats, hopefully we never have to deal with that in real life, but nonetheless they think it is really fun to pretend their boats are just like Papa's!

Showing me their boats (Braylon's boat has more pieces, but he takes them off).

Sinking the boats!

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Snug as a Bug

Ben had his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, so he spend the afternoon home from work to recover. He took the time to snuggle Ms. Adalyn and catch some zzz's, she didn't mind the change in snuggle partners for the afternoon!

Both so sleepy!

Reese even got in on the sleepy action!

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Learing new things

With a new baby in the house, it means that new things are happening, for example nursing Adalyn has caused a lot of conversations about feeding babies and why she eats milk from Mommy not milk from the fridge, Porter has tried to share his chocolate milk with her a time or two as well. But the thing that the boys are most fascinated with is when Mommy gets milk out with a pump! Every time I pump the boys also have to have their "pump" pieces so that they can play too (usually using it as a blow horn).

Look closely and you will see their new toys!
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Sitting... Waiting... Wishing...

Cousin Candon and McKenna came to town yesterday. The boys were sitting and waiting for Candon to arrive at our house today, so that they could play before they headed back to LaCrosse. Braylon asked me today if we could move Coley's house closer so that we could play all the time... (Come on Uncle Kevin, for the kids ;)).

Waiting for them to arrive!
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Those poor boys!

With the new addition to our family, it is aparent that the boys/men in our house are in big trouble... They all just LOVE Adalyn so much, she has all of them wrapped around her little finger already!

Braylon has been the BEST biggest brother in the whole world! He is just smitten with Adalyn. He tells everyone that his baby sister is finally out! He sits next to me while she eats and he helps burp her and talks to her while she is awake or sleeping, luckily she doesn't mind. He loves her up every chance he gets! Bray has adjusted very well to having a baby sister in the house (we figured he would be the easy one, but you never know). We have noticed a few more temper tantrums over nonsense things, but we are ok with that. All in all Braylon has been an amazing help, especially those first few days home when I was still healing a bit.

Porter and Daddy giving Adalyn some love!

Porter has had a bit harder time with the adjustment of having a baby in the house. Mostly because Porter is a Mommy's boy, he doesn't like that I can't pick him up and carry him around, he is getting much better about this. Porter is the first one to run over to his sister if she makes a noise, telling her "It ok, it ok" and then kisses her or the side of whatever she is in and then runs away. He is doing wonderfully all things considered!

The whole gang!

A very proud daddy! (Not the best picture), but Ben's heart has been stolen and Adalyn holds the key to it!
I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the support and love of an amazing man! Benjamin has been amazing this last week, taking care of the boys, the house and making sure that I got rest and healed. Not an easy task to do alone!
Ben and I feel truly blessed to have such an amazing family and healthy, happy children! The boys have done such a good job adjusting we are so proud of them! We can not wait to watch our littles grow and learn throughout the years to come!

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Baking Cookies!

The littles and I went over to my mothers on Saturday to bake Christmas Cookies, the boys helped for the first 2 minutes and then decided to play with all of Papa's old cars and trucks that he has in the basement. So it was just the girls in the kitchen for most of the time. Both boys put up a fight when I tried to get their picture, so there is only one and it is of Ms. Adalyn! She really loved baking cookies (or at least smelling them while she slept the entire time).

Isn't she just adorable :)
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Welcome Sweet Baby Adalyn!!!!

We had a little surprise last Saturday, our sweet baby girl arrived a few days earlier then expected! She decided she was ready to come out and well... she did :)

Adalyn weighed 6 pounds 6.4 ounces and was 20 inches long. She arrived at 11:58 pm on 12/3/2011 and she is EVERY bit of perfect!
When we found out we were expecting again, I thought I really wanted another boy, I am SOOOO glad that I didn't get my way! This little girl completes our family.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

A Daddy's Love!

I could sit and watch these three together all day long! Their love shows through!!!!

Reading bedtime stories together!
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Best Friends

These two are so adorable together! It is so special to have a brother that is so close in age and can be your best friend!

Enjoying Vikings with their "snacks"

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Ta-Ra Ra

We had a visit from a special Holiday season friend! The boys woke up on Black Friday to find a special breakfast waiting for them.

We had Ta-Ra Ra (that is the name the boys named their Elf) come and join us for breakfast, the boys and I read the book and I explained to them about what Ta-Ra Ra's job was while he was with us during the December month. Both boys were very interested and LOVE to look for Ta Ra Ra every morning.

A letter from Santa that Ta Ra Ra brought for Braylon, along with Christmas socks and football socks, a bell and Reindeer to decorate (with Stickers and markers).

Porter's letter and Snowman to decorate, basketball socks, bell and Christmas socks.

Our Ta Ra Ra!

Ta Ra Ra sitting on his North Pole snowmellows (they are to be added to the boys hot chocolate).

Porter playing with the table decorations.

Braylon enjoying his Breakfast that Ta Ra Ra brought for him!

Ta Ra Ra is such a fun tradition that we have started with the boys. It was the first year Ta Ra Ra came to our house, we are happy to have him at our house for the month. I can't wait continue doing this for many years to come!

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Hide Out!

The boys have always been very fascinated with dog kennels, we have lots of pictures of them hanging out in the kennels. This particular evening the boys hauled their dump truck and digger, along with a few wrestlers.
The boys playing nice!

This is the reaction that I get these days when I grab the camera and try to take a picture, Porter yells at me and Braylon hides his face...
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Boys love for a horse and a horse's love for carrots!

There is a Horse right down the street from Grandma Joan's house and the boys (Candon, Braylon and Porter) LOVE to go and see him, mostly because they get to feed him carrots! Chamois (not sure if that is the correct spelling) loves to see the boys running up to him, only because that means carrots! So Sunday afternoon we headed out in the chilling temperatures to go and feed Chamois a few carrots.

Grams, Porter, Bray, Candon and Ben walking to go and feed Chamois.

The three boys of the family!

Once we hit the sidewalk the boys were free to run to see Chamois, Candon's pants must have been a bit too big as he had to hold on to them :)

Porter was bringing up the rear, but at least he was beating Grams and Mommy!


Candon and Grams feeding Chamois a carrot.

Porters turn.

The three boys peaking through the fence

Braylons turn to feed Chamois!

Candon and Uncle Ben!

Chamois is getting to be a very old horse and Ben and I dread that one day we are going to drive by and there will no longer be a horse standing there. Our boys will be devastated, so we will continue to take advantage of the "nice" weather and go and feed Chamois a few carrots!

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Cousin Candon came to town!

Candon, Kenna and Auntie Coley came to town this weekend! We had a very busy weekend and we were not able to see them until Sunday. So Sunday morning we went up to Grandma's house and we all had breakfast together and the kids got to play together, they have been going through serious withdrawals since Coley has gone back to work and her weekly visits have stopped ;)

Candon showing me his batman shirt! He went as Batman for Halloween, can't wait to see him in his costume (hint hint Coley ;))

The best picture I could obtain of these three rugrats!

Porter feeding the fake horse a carrot!

The boys dancing to the Hot Dog song! Porter likes to get really low when he dances to this song! Candon was sitting to the right in the chair placed directly in front of the t.v.

It is always nice when Candon comes to play with the boys! We can't wait for Braylon and Candon do start doing sleepovers! That has to be coming up soon doesn't it?

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Halloween 2011

Another Holiday has come and gone, it is times like this that I stop and think how lucky we are! We have two amazing little boys, each with a personality of their very own! Halloween is a great holiday for young kids to show their personality by choosing what they want to dress up as!
Braylon decided long ago that he was going as a Fireman! He wore his costume (all but the helmet, it kept sliding off his head) proudly and offered to put out everyones fire on State street (this is the place to trick or treat in New Ulm and the home owners sit outside with their fire pits burning to keep warm).
Porter was a bit more difficult, he is not at the age that he can tell us exactly what he wants to be for Halloween and well with Porter's love for Basketball we thought a Basketball player would be the perfect costume for him! Unfortunately his jersey didn't arrive in time and we had to think of something else for him to be on very short notice! Besides Basketball Porter loves Trains, so we decided that Porter would go as a Train Conductor! Luckily we had everything we needed for his costume except a white thermal (a very easy find).

Porter relaxing with Grandma Pammy before we headed out for some Trick or Treating!

The boys first time actually trick or treating (other then at relatives houses)

Mr. Fire Chief and Mr. Train Conductor! Neither were very willing to sit nice for pictures, not a big surprise!

In the car on the way to Grandma Brush's before we walked the neighborhood.

The boys actually went Trick or Treating this year, we went up and down State Street (we know a few home owners on this street otherwise I might try and avoid the chaos). It was a lot of fun and the boys were exhausted by the time we were done!
After we were done we meet up with Daddy (who just got off of work) at Grandma Joan's and we only had to go to her house and one other house. It was a GREAT Halloween!
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ECFE Halloween Party

We went to the ECFE Halloween Party on Friday night. Braylon dressed up in his Halloween Costume (Fireman Sam) and Porter dressed up as Porter! He refused to put a Halloween Costume on and well when he doesn't want to do something it is very hard to change his mind! So Porter went as himself :)

Braylon came right from fighting a fire and was a little dirty!

Porter LOVED the bouncy house! He was adorable and gave Ben and I lots of kisses!

Braylon followed suit and gave us each a kiss!

Braylon loved Fetch, he asked him if he wanted to be his rescue dog! SO ADORABLE!!!

I just love this picture!

An exhausted firefighter ready to go home!

After we hammer a few nails into pumpkins of course!

The boys had a great time at the Halloween Party!
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