
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tub Time!

This face makes my mommy's heart melt! She thinks that I am the cutest baby in the whole world!

I love bath time! I enjoy it much more now that I am a little bigger and have a little more meat on my bones! I still make mommy put washcloths over me, otherwise I shiver a lot and then I get a little grumpy! So it is better for everyone if I am a little covered! I kick my legs up and down, mommy thinks that pretty soon we should get me a foam mat for the actual bathtub so that I can splash around!

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Lounging in my Carseat!

This is me in my carseat, as you can see, I really love to sit in my carseat! I especially love my carseat when I have toys to play with. My mommy and daddy always have lots of toys along for me to play with.
This is my pretend sleeping smile! I am always pretending to sleep, I am such a tricky little boy!!!!
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